Friday, February 13, 2009
Wasn't Bush supposed to, like, ah, seize power in a fascist coup to install his rich oil cabal into power? Instead, he facilitated one of the smoothest and considerate transitions of power in modern American history. But, the Jacobin clique' wants investigations and trials for "war crimes" and "torture"...etc.
When will the so-called "progressives" ever come down to Earth and just accept that we live in a multi-value system and not everyone shares their control-freak attitudes. While these clowns cowered in mock fear of impending fascism, Bush was anticipating bike rides on his Texas ranch.
The very idea of having war crime trials and investigations against a president (in this case one that can arguably be noted to be among the least corrupt of recent decades) is a very slippery slope. The vindictive concept of establishing a precedent for all future presidents to be dragged through a kangaroo court every time the opposing party wins an election is absurd.
The more I see Obama and the Pelosi/Reid crowd in action the more I wonder if we may be headed for a sort of Chavez-lite style of power consolidation.
Again and again, the left shows it's true colors; authoritarians through and through.